Hebrew Word of the Week

Olah: Offering of rising or ascent. An offering made by fire unto YHWH, the highest order of sacrifice. Meaning ascention. It represents complete submission to YHWH's will because the ENTIRE offering is given to YHWH. Greek translation= holocaustos (holocaust/sacrifice).

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Porch of Dreams...

I LOVE screened in porches!!!  We recently had some damage done to a wall on the South side of our house where our deck is.  We have to remove some windows and ( a lot of stuff) were thinking that an area for a summer kitchen would be nice, NOTHING expensive  FANCY!  Then I saw this...Okay, now "I HAVE A DREAM!"  I ran across this picture (it came in my e-mail from BHG...No, I didn't go looking for it, (smile) and thought, "oh, wouldn't that be just nice."  As I mused all the possibilities, no bugs to bother me while I sit out side...the little ones could play out there...cool evenings, cool mornings, dinner, breakfast, snacks, cards, fickering lights, no bugs, did I say that already?...must I go on?

Natural Wonder Porch

Here she is, aint she a beauty?  Just what the doctor ordered.

Now, actually we really do have to fix that wall but it will be something VERY non-extravagant, so, I'm just messin' around a little here BUT it is nice to look at, isn't it?

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