Hebrew Word of the Week

Olah: Offering of rising or ascent. An offering made by fire unto YHWH, the highest order of sacrifice. Meaning ascention. It represents complete submission to YHWH's will because the ENTIRE offering is given to YHWH. Greek translation= holocaustos (holocaust/sacrifice).

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Passover 2012

Passover 2012 has come and gone, once again.  As always, I had a great time with the family here.  Craig opened the evening with blessings for each of us and Megan lit the candles, which was a special blessing for me:)

We are blessed to be allowed this time together.  And more than that, we are blessed for the reason we come together...to remember.  We remember the freedom given to the children of Israel by YHWH through the hand of Moses.  We remember the redemption given to the children of Israel by YHWH through Yahushuah's death.   And, we look forward to the final restoration of all things given by YHWH at Yahshuah's final return.  This season is really an amazing time of remembering what has been and what is yet to be!

Thanks for spending it with me, family.  It was a blessing to share it with you!

Here are a few pics of our preparation for the Passover as we teach our little ones to remember, also...

No Passover story is complete without Moses and Pharoah.

Cut out foam figures of...well, you know.

The water turns to blood !

Here's B after completing the "plagues of Egypt"  She's not happy about the plagues, just smiling for the camera:)

And, my all time favorite this year is this one,  the house with the blood painted on the mantle.  B liked doing this one the best.  She said she was painting "brud" (aka blood) on the mantle.

This one is funny.  We had a little trouble getting in position for our family photo this year and we just couldn't get ourselves in the right place at the right time.  It was a hoot and we laughed at ourselves but we will remember it just fine:)

Corey, Megan and B together before Corey and Megan head off for TX for a few days of sun...and to scope out the land!

Abba, thank you for what you have provided for us:  the gift of Yahushuah.
Yahushuah, thank you for what you have sacrificed for us:  Your life, so that we might have eternal life.
Passover, an amazing gift worthy to be remembered...the REAL STORY that links the past to the future because He is "The Beginning and the End."

May we be found worthy because of the Lamb of YHWH

Next Year in Jerusalem!

1 comment:

Moira said...

Shalom Traci,
Your passover looks like it was beautiful! Great pictures :)
Shalom shalom,Moira