Hebrew Word of the Week

Olah: Offering of rising or ascent. An offering made by fire unto YHWH, the highest order of sacrifice. Meaning ascention. It represents complete submission to YHWH's will because the ENTIRE offering is given to YHWH. Greek translation= holocaustos (holocaust/sacrifice).

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

While I'm Waiting by John Waller {Fireproof music video with lyrics}

1 comment:

Moira said...

Shalom Traci,
I love this song! Funny thing~My husband and I just watched this movie a few days ago, it is soooo good :) Thanks for sharing! I am praying you are doing well and that the results will be great news.
Shalom shalom,
Chag Sameach Shavuot,
YHVH bless,