Hebrew Word of the Week

Olah: Offering of rising or ascent. An offering made by fire unto YHWH, the highest order of sacrifice. Meaning ascention. It represents complete submission to YHWH's will because the ENTIRE offering is given to YHWH. Greek translation= holocaustos (holocaust/sacrifice).

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Cloth Baby Wipes

The Project
This is my (learn how to use this sewing machine) sewing project.  These are double sided flannel baby wipes.  They measure 4"x8".  I thought I'd use this simple but useful sewing project to  practice with the sewing machine given to us by Craig's grandmother.  I've always wanted to learn to sew.  It is such an amazing skill.  So, I'm starting here before I tackle my skirts.

This machine is not a serger so I don't think I came as close to the edges as I need to.  Not sure just yet how or if this will effect how they wear.

What I Did
I made a 4"x8" cardboard pattern and used quarters to round the corners of the pattern. I used flannel but you can use cotton or terry cloth but it's not recommended to use fleece, it just smears the mess around.  I traced around the pattern and cut the pieces out and sewed the flannel pieces together.  A very sweet blogger who I meant on Messianic Keepers at Home  (Hi Yahkheena, if you're out there!) suggested that I straight stitch around the edges then zig zag the edges to help minimize fraying.

I really like these.  The only thing I think I will change is the size, I think a 6"x8" would work a little better.  This 4"x8" feels just a little sparce for a really messy mess.  These little fellas are just plain nice wipes no matter how you decide to use them, face or bottoms, they're super soft!

Thank you YahKheena for encouraging me to try sewing.  This is what she told me after I told her I was kind of afraid to just jump into sewing, she said, "We can do ALL things through Messiah who strengthens us...that includes learning to run our sewing machines!"  That was exactly what I needed to hear!

I'll keep practicing:)


YahKheena said...

Shalom Traci~
I've already posted a comment on messianickeeper so I won't repeat here:-) what I did want to comment on was while reading your blog I noticed your sites you use for Torah homeschooling I would like to share another site with you. Sigalit over at hearts in training creates beautiful printable homeschool notebook pages (free). The one I thought you might be interested in was her Torah Copywork Sheets. At one point I was co-creating them with her but had to stop because of the business of the season in my life, anyway I'm not sure of the age's of your children, but if they are yet too young for the copywork, you can use them in learning Hebrew :-) I know of other adults who have ;-D

here is her site:


Have a fruitful prep-day :-)

Preethi said...

Those wipes are just adorable! We do cloth diapers, too, so those would be perfect. Oh, and I'm also just learning to sew and cloth wipes were my first project, too. :) Love your blog and am following you now!

And thanks so much for stopping by my blog and for your sweet comment!

lace, etc.

Traci said...

Yes, I caught your comment there and thank you very much, YahKheena:) And I do know about Sigalit's wonderful site and have used it. The work that has gone into that site is a labor of love. I do actually list it as one of the "resources" for teaching Torah farther down the page...I just have the stuff off to the right in the upper section of the page so I can grab it quickly, since I am actually using it this week. We float around a lot:)

Moira said...

Shalom Traci,
These turned out SOOOOOOO CUTE!!! GOOD JOB!!!! and the fabric is adorable, I love monkeys!

Keep those project coming!
Shavua tov,